Raj Shukla backed for Mayor of Madison by Indian American Impact Fund

Raj Shukla backed for Mayor of Madison by Indian American Impact Fund

Washington January 9, 2019. The Indian American Impact Fund has endorsed Raj Shukla for Mayor of Madison, Wisconsin.

In the November 2018 elections in America, the fund backed 27 Indian American candidates, 44 percent of whom were winners. The Impact Fund endorses candidates based on their viability and commitment to advocating for the values of the Indian-American community.

Shukla is “ a strong, experienced and visionary leader who will be a terrific mayor and when elected, we believe, he will be the first Indian-American mayor” of a large American city, said Deepak Raj, co-founder and chair of the fund. "As the Indian-American community grows its political power, it is important that we remember elections don't just happen in even years" added Raj Goyal, co-founder of the fund, and a former member of the Kansas House of Representatives.

“I am running for mayor because this challenging political moment asks each of us--even a political newcomer like me--to do all we can to make” Madison, Wisconsin work for everyone,” said Shukla. He is executive director of the conservation organization River Alliance of Wisconsin.

Shukla began his career in community and economic development, attracting private investment and jobs to some of the poorest neighborhoods in Wisconsin. The top two vote-getters in the February 19 Democratic Party primary contest for Madison’s mayor will advance to the April 2, 2019 general election.

“I’m ready to lead a transition to 100% clean energy for our city. ” Shukla said. He chairs the sustainable Madison Committee, which is helping Madison become the first Wisconsin city to use hundred percent renewable energy.

“My wife and I want a fair, healthy, and diverse city for our three young daughters. Social justice is far more than just an ideal for us, and it is the foundation for a strong community…And like so many of our Madison neighbors, I know safe, vibrant neighborhoods inspire the best in all of us,” Shukla added.

“My parents are immigrants who showed me that you can achieve anything through hard work and a supportive community. I am running to become the first Indian American mayor in any of the top-100 US cities. But this campaign is not about making history. It is about all of us creating the future we deserve…I am committed to equity as a moral duty,” said Shukla.

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